The Lift 008 | Organization and Time Management

An ABA Technologies Academy Podcast
1.0 BACB, 0.5 IBAO, 1 Supervision
September 17, 2021

This episode is worth 1.0 BACB Supervision CEs



This podcast episode describes the importance of teaching supervisees effective strategies for organization and time management. These strategies are described as a critical stress management strategy as well as strategies for overall success in the workplace. Skills such as planning and running effective meetings, managing email/text/voicemail communications, schedule planning, and file management are all explored. 

Learning Checklist

What you’ll learn in the course and be able to do afterward

  1. Attendees will be able to identify at least one possible negative effect of poor organization and time management strategies
  2. Attendees will be able to identify the importance of agenda planning in making the most of supervision
  3. Attendees will be able to describe one strategy for triaging and managing email to achieve inbox zero.

Course Rating

"This course is recommended for BCaBA, BCBA, and students of behavior analysis who will be or are currently receiving supervision."



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