The Lift 005 | Using a Competency-Based Approach to Supervision with Dr. Florence...

An ABA Technologies Academy Podcast
0.5 BACB, 0.5 IBAO, 0.5 Supervision
August 6, 2021

This episode is worth 0.5 BACB Supervision CEs 


This podcast describes the content in Chapter 5 Using a Competency-Based Approach to Supervision. The content covers the importance of taking a competency-based approach to supervision. The podcast reviews the components of a competency-based approach, including determining the scope or content, thoughtfully planning the sequence of that content, and embedding culturally responsive practices throughout. The podcast highlights strategies for teaching content and how to determine meaningful mastery criteria for the content covered. This content also covers considerations for the types and timing of performance assessments, a discussion about the criticality of feedback and how to be effective in your feedback delivery, as we all as the importance of ongoing performance monitoring throughout the supervisory relationship.

Learning Checklist

What you’ll learn in the course and be able to do afterward

  1. Listeners will be able to describe the general components of a competency-based approach to teaching content to supervisees.
  2. Listeners will be able to identify the different functional considerations to determine meaningful mastery criteria.
  3. Attendees will be able to describe at least 3 different types of feedback and considerations for delivering high-quality feedback.

Course Rating

"This course is recommended for BCaBA, BCBA, and students of behavior analysis who will be or are currently receiving supervision"

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