The Ethics of Promoting Your Practice

2 hours, 28 minutes
2.5 BACB, can be used for BABC ethics

"Whenever I'm doing an ethics discussion, I always find that it's important to help people to understand the why, not just the actual rule."

Bobby Newman, PhD, BCBA-D


Practicing behavior analysts are tasked with sharing and promoting behavior analysis with others. We have an ethical responsibility to engage in the effort of promoting public awareness of our field. Dr. Newman really focuses on making sure you understand the reasoning behind the rules that we follow and not just the rules themselves. He dives into how we can ethically use testimonials, how to disseminate accurate information, your duty, and how it all ties back to the ethical code.

Learning Objectives

  1. What you’ll learn in the course and be able to do afterward
  2. List ways to share and promote ABA with others
  3. Explain the importance of testimonials
  4. List ways to advertise your services
  5. Apply the BACB ethics guidelines to advertising one's practice


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