How to Train, Evaluate and Manage Staff

2 hours, 29 minutes
3.0 BACB, 3 general HRCI credits, or 3 SHRM credits
Byron Wine, PhD, BCBA

“After all, behavior is a business. Without behavior there is nothing.”

Byron Wine, PhD, BCBA-D


How many times have you felt the need for better assessing staff or being fairly assessed? Have your expectations always been clearly stated at first? Do leaders have all the right tools to do so? Organizational Behavior Management (OBM) might have some answers. Dr. Byron Wine describes the basis of OBM, its impact on our daily lives, and how to better understand and measure it. This CE offers a step-by-step introduction into the world of OBM and its potential impact for business and sciences that involve the study of human behavior, shedding light on the need for correct creation, supervision, and assessment of skills when managing a team. Dr. Wine provides data and examples on several OBM procedures describing potential benefits from their correct implementation. If behavior is a recurring topic within your business, Dr. Wine can help you take a fresher and more efficient approach to it! 

Learning Objectives

What you’ll learn in the course and be able to do afterward

  1. Describe Organizational Behavior Management (OBM) 
  2. Identify how to objectively state expectations for employees 
  3. Identify how to objectively assess employee performance 
  4. Identify how to objectively evaluate employee performance 
  5. State and discuss when and how to effectively train staff members 
  6. State and discuss common antecedent interventions used with employees 
  7. State and discuss common consequence interventions used with employees 
  8. State and discuss the components of Reid’s seven-step, outcome- management process 
  9. State common problems associated with leadership and how to overcome them 
  10. Correctly communicate with employees/employers 


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