Teaching a Sequence of Play Actions and Corresponding Vocalizations Using PlayTubs™

1 hours, 27 minutes
1.5 BACB

"When reviewing the number of interventions that have been used to teach pretend play, we identified that although there were a number of comparison studies, no research compared the use of script fading versus video modeling to teach pretend play skills."

Melissa Schissler, MS, BCBA


The importance of play to a child's development is often overlooked, even with decreasing recess time in elementary school. Along with its identification as one of the core deficits in children diagnosed with autism, often described as lacking in symbolic qualities and flexibility, Nancy and Melissa developed PlayTubs™ to increase appropriate independent and sociodramatic play skills in children with autism and other developmental or language delays. PlayTubs™ incorporates a playscheme with two complementary character roles and an effective research-based, script-fading intervention to teach a child a sequence of seven play actions and corresponding vocalizations for two character roles. The presenters explore the impact of evidence-based play interventions on future communication and language skills, cognitive functioning, and social interactions for individuals with autism and other developmental delays. The course also covers interventions including script fading, video modeling, and in-vivo modeling, as well as teaching a non-vocal learner using a speech-generating device.

Learning Objectives

What you’ll learn in the course and be able to do afterward

  • Identify effective interventions to teach a sequence of pretend play actions and corresponding vocalizations
  • Outline mastery criteria when teaching pretend play
  • Describe effective prompting procedure to use when teaching pretend play
  • Identify how to use a speech-generating device when teaching pretend play
  • Identify five elements of pretend play, including category, agent, object, advanced play, and the essential skills of sociodramatic play


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