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Nancy Champlin, MS, BCBA

CE Course & Workshop Instructor

Nancy Champlin headshot

Nancy Champlin, BCBA, is the owner, founder, and Chief Executive Officer of five ACI Learning Centers, located in Colorado, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas. Nancy holds degrees in elementary education, learning disabilities, and early childhood special education, and received her board certification in 2004.  She has over 35 years’ experience working with individuals with autism and other developmental delays.  She has developed teaching curricula that correspond with the ABLLS-R and the VB-MAPP, I’m Learning to Be Me PlayTubs™ and is the co-author of The Pretend Play and Language Assessment and Curriculum (PPLAC). She has lectured and trained professionals and parents locally and internationally on Applied Behavior Analysis, as well as conducted and presented research on a behavioral approach to teaching play skills to children with autism. 

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