Psychotropic Medication and Problem Behavior: How Behavior Analysts can Influence Their Clients’ Medication Management Process

3 hours, 33 minutes
4.0 BACB

“I’m hoping that this information will be useful to you to use as a resource. It really may be something that you can go back to, to help inform your process and therapeutic practice in the long run.”

Tom Freeman, MS, BCBA, LBA-NY, LBA-MA


Primary care physicians, psychiatrists, specialists . . . OH MY! Working within the field of clinical behavior analysis includes working with clients that could be seeing multiple professionals for a variety of reasons. It is not always included in training, but it is important that behavior analysts have an understanding of the types of treatments their clients could be given from other health care professionals. Tom Freeman goes in-depth about psychotropic medication (often prescribed to our clients), the history of such medications, drug classes, their common uses, and potential side effects. He also reviews literature on medication efficacy in treating aberrant behavior. Tom dives into the historical use of these medications with individuals with ASD and discusses the role of the behavior analyst in terms of evaluating medication effects and integrating services for optimal clinical outcomes.

Learning Objectives

What you’ll learn in the course and be able to do afterward

  1. After an in-depth description on psychopharmacology, you will be able to
    • explain the history and current status of psychotropic medication use;
    • define common terms in Behavioral Pharmacology;
    • name the five main classes of psychotropic medication along with main effects, side effects, important issues and considerations;
    • critique the research findings on the current prevalence of psychotropic medication use.
  2. After an in-depth look into psychopharmacology in relationship to the role of the behavior analyst, you will be able to
    • assess the big picture regarding the roles and responsibilities of behavior analysts in their clients’ medication management process;
    • describe how behavior analysts can influence their clients’ medication management process.


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