Preference and Reinforcement Assessment

1 hours, 46 minutes
2.0 BACB, Type-2

“Identifying reinforcers is absolutely essential when we are working on acquisition. In order to teach someone a new behavior, we need to be able to reinforce that behavior when it occurs.”

Dr. Meagan Gregory, BCBA 


So, you’ve begun implementing your program plan for your client(s) but aren’t seeing any behavior change. You have clear instructions, prompt strategies set, and all your materials in place, including reinforcers, so what’s wrong? Well, did you check if those materials really were “reinforcers”? From exhaustive definitions to practical examples Dr. Meagan Gregory carefully reviews two of the gold standards of behavior analysis: Reinforcement and Preference Assessments. Paying special attention to the correct implementation of over eight types of preference assessments, Dr. Gregory discusses how to identify reinforcers and use them to obtain more-effective behavior change. While these are recurring topics, their importance is only emphasized with the expansion of Behavior Analysis.  


Learning Objectives—What you’ll learn in the course and be able to do afterward 


1. Explain Reinforcer Identification and the steps  

2. Describe the following Preference Assessments:   

  • Single Stimulus Assessment  
  • Paired Stimulus Assessment  
  • Multiple Stimulus Assessment  
  • Free Operant Assessment  
  • Duration-Based Assessments 

3. Choose and correctly implement Reinforcement Assessments  

  • Evaluate data to determine if the reinforcer is effective  

4. Identify research describing preference assessment methodology  

5.  Explain assessments and considerations  

  • Pictorial Assessments  
  • Mixed Classes of Stimulus Assessments  
  • Stability of Preferences  


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