Essentials of Organizational Behavior Management

9 hours, 50 minutes
11.5 BACB, 10 general HRCI credits, or 10 SHRM credits

“While we are fulfilling our commitments to the organization and to the employees, we have to balance that with doing what is ethical.”

Byron Wine, PhD, BCBA-D


If you are taking this course, you probably are acting in a position where OBM is needed. Though you may think of a consultant, either internal or external, when you hear of OBM, it is an essential skill for those who are in charge of other behavior analysts like BCaBA’s and RBT’s. Learning OBM will aid in achieving results from your employees or team as well as being able to manage yourself better. This repertoire can extend from not only being able to decide the best approaches but also avoid the common mistakes you see in other organizations. 

Learning Objectives

What you’ll learn in the course and be able to do afterward

  1. Define OBM and describe the differences between other organizational-based sciences 
  2. Identify its uses in a variety of employment positions and industries
  3. State common interventions as well as how to pinpoint targets in an organization
  4. Describe how to conduct organizational assessments and how to plan for maintenance
  5. Recognize ineffective management practices


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