Behavioral Practice in the Forensic Area

2 hours, 15 minutes
2.5 BACB
W. Joseph Wyatt, PhD

Legal proof is not the same as scientific proof at all... sometimes not even close.

W. Joseph Wyatt, PhD


One of the potential facets of a career in behavior analysis is the role in the legal system one may have. For the majority of analysts, this is a completely new context to practice and requires a completely different repertoire. Unfortunately, it is rare to be prepared for this situation since it is not something that one is typically taught in school or on the job. Even if your role in the courts are called upon quickly, the tasks requested of you are by no means something that should be rushed. You may be asked to determine competence to stand trial, criminal responsibility, and even provide a functional analysis of criminal activity. Aligning with typical analyst practice, it is important to be prepared in case you find yourself working for the legal system.

Learning Objectives

What you’ll learn in the course and be able to do afterward

  1. Describe common legal issues that will need to be analyzed and how to deal with a malingering client.
  2. Describe helpful tips when being cross-examined.


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