Arranging Reinforcement Systems in Applied Settings Part 2

5 hours, 29 minutes
5.0 BACB

“A lot of people get queasy when thinking about this; we’re considering an individual with an established set of preferences and related utility for reinforcers associated with those preferences, and then we want to start manipulating those preferences. Well, some people think that’s not a good idea—preferences are what preferences are.”

Dr. Iser DeLeon, PhD, BCBA


After taking into consideration preference assessments, reinforcer assessments, and variables that can affect them, it is time to arrange an effective reinforcement system. What does research from both basic and applied research tell us about reinforcer variation and the effect of choice? Dr. DeLeon expands on previous courses to discuss the known variables that influence responding in applied/clinical settings. The development of reinforcement systems can be an ever-evolving process taking motivating operations into consideration and their influence on choices of food, activities, and performance. How can extrinsic and intrinsic motivation play into the effectiveness of praise, social reinforcers, token reinforcer preferences, and response rate? Dr. DeLeon looks to research for the answers. 


Learning Objectives—What you’ll learn in the course and be able to do afterward 


After a review of the determinants of stimulus value, you will be able to 

  • attempt various active manipulations to change stimulus value and reinforcer efficacy from a review of MOs of stimulus preference; 

  • change schedules of reinforcement and reinforcer dimensions to influence response allocation; 

  • use stimulus variation techniques (for example, stimulus variation, frequent preference assessments, and pre-session and within-session reinforcer choice). 

From a review on the use of praise and social reinforcers 

  • answer why praise might be preferable to other forms of reinforcement and why it is important to assess praise/social reinforcers exclusively; 

  • show how to establish praise as a reinforcer when it was not before; 

  • explain the effects of delivering praise contingent upon different aspects of performance and the differential effects of different forms of praise on behavior. 


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