Adaptive Behavior

1 hours, 21 minutes
1.5 BACB
Peter Gerhardt, EdD

“Everybody is capable of living and working in the community with the right supports.” 

Peter Gerhardt, EdD


While ABA is often talked about with early intervention, it is crucial to discuss and know how to work with adult individuals with developmental disabilities. Dr. Gerhardt describes the selection of target behaviors that may be most valuable to adult clients and how to effectively implement these adaptive interventions. He then discusses the conditions which promote the generalizability of said skills and ethical considerations when working with adults. 

Learning Objectives

What you’ll learn in the course and be able to do afterward

  1. List the premises outlined during the talk 
  2. State the major findings of Peter Gerhardt’s quasi experiment 
  3. Describe the 7 dimensions of ABA 
  4. Define adaptive behavior 
  5. State what constitutes a functional target 
  6. Describe each of the parameters for an effective intervention for adaptive behavior 
  7. Describe the conditions for higher, poor, and no generalizability of adaptive behaviors 
  8. Explain resilience 


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